Help pages for Cupido Club
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Here you will find answers to the most common questions asked by Cupido Club members.
- Membership
. Membership
What are the rules for Cupido Club membership?
To become a member you must have Cupido Account What is Cupido account: Cupido account is an account that you must have in order to register to become a Cupido Club member or if you want to have access to payment service in (C +).
You can be a free member for as long as you want. You can also become a Cupido Club member at any time, or buy a C + service or buy a VIP membership that offers multiple membership benefits.
Membership is governed by a user agreement between members and Cupido Club. Everyone who registers membership commits to following the rules of the agreement.
Violation of the rules can cause the profile to be blocked, in severe cases without prior notification. See Cupido Club User Agreement! Become a member!
Free membership
Free member can see and look around Cupido Club.
There is limited access and features for non-VIP members.
VIP membership
VIP (What do you get as a VIP member?)
- Full rights in Cupido Forum, Cupido Chat and Cupido Groups
- Spacious mailbox for personalized messages
- Suggested Matching
- Photo galleries associated with your profile
- Optional friends list, favorites and guestbook
- Full rights in the archives with erotic texts and pictures
- IP tagging of your profile VIP + (What do you get as a
VIP + member?
- Most favorable price for membership
Even more pictures in photo galleries VIP + tag of your profile
How much does a VIP membership cost?
- One month NOK 189, -
- Three months NOK 459, -
- Full year NOK 1188, -
What happens when VIP membership is not renewed?
You become a free member. Your profile and the content of the profile are there until you delete them. Messages can no longer be read and gallery pictures and profile texts are no longer displayed to other members.
I am a VIP + member and renew my VIP membership
When the VIP + period has ended, your profile status is changed to VIP.
I am VIP and fonye membership of VIP +
You get upgraded status right away from VIP to VIP +.
Safe and secure purchase on the internet
Cupido uses PayEx Solutions as a card payment partner. Visa and MasterCard Secure Code are additional security introduced to protect you as a cardholder against unauthorized people being able to pay with your card online. The solution requires you to enter a code or sign electronically (eg Bank ID or Mobile ID) to trade with the solution chosen by your card issuing bank.
Cupido will not be able to access sensitive payment information, such as a card number, when paying by card. All such information provided by the customer is encrypted and the payment is made on PayEx pages which are secured with SSL certificates.
When using cards in Cupido, HVERDAG AS will be stated as the payee on the bank statement you receive.
What happens to members who have not been active for the last 365 days?
- Members who have not been active in the Cupido Club for the past 365 days are not included in profile searches and are not counted in the number of members who appear on the Cupido Club's front page.
- Members who have not been active for the past year and who do not have VIP status will eventually be automatically deleted.
- You can delete membership at any time (see delete profile)
How to create a profile?
- You must create a Cupido Account to become a member, and then create the Cupido Club profile.
- If you already have Cupido Account, log in and create a profile on this page: Create a profile her
- If you do not have Cupido Account, register for Cupido Account and create profile here: Create account and create profile here.
Change password
How to change password?
- My Account (Under Menu or at the top of the page) account details
- Click the wheel button next to Password
- Enter old password
- Enter new password
- Save Changes
Change e-mail
How to change email address?
- My Account (Under Menu or at the top of the page) account details
- Write new email
- Save (button at bottom of page)
Change profile name
How to change profile name?
- Only the Cupido Club administrator can change their profile name.
- You can request assistance by emailing
Deleting your profile
How to delete you profile?
- My Account (Under Menu or at the top of the page) settings
- Delete account
Change/edit profile content
How to change content in my profile?
- My profile Edit profile (right corner of your profile)
- Fill in what you want to add or change
- Save and complete
What is a profile picture / cover photo?
The profile picture is the main image in your profile. It appears in profile searches and other member listings along with your username, gender / age, location and login status.
Cover image is the background image of your profile. Cover image does not show search list. Both profile picture and cover photo must be approved by moderator before it can be displayed to other members.
Do I need a profile picture? No, profile picture is not a must. But be aware that profile picture or lack of profile picture is the first thing other members see of your profile.
Why is the profile picture important? The profile picture can be crucial for others to contact you or respond to inquiries from you. Emphasize that the image is a good image.The profile picture does not necessarily have to be a portrait of yourself, but if you show your face in the profile picture you have a much higher chance of establishing good relationships with other members.
Add / change profile picture and cover photo?
You create a profile picture and cover photo via your profile:
- My profile
- Edit profile
- Click Add or Change profile or cover photo
- Image is displayed to you immediately.
- Both profile picture and cover photo must be approved by moderator before it can be displayed to other members
- Click Save and Finish
Deleting profile picture
Profile picture and cover photo can be deleted through your profile
- My profile edit profile
- Click Delete profile photo or cover photo Image is deleted immediately.
- Click Save and Finish
What are photo galleries?
The photo galleries are linked to your profile in Cupido Club. All profiles can have an open gallery and multiple private galleries.
Photo in open gallery must be approved by moderator. You will be notified if the image you want to view in the open gallery is not approved.
Post photos in open gallery
How to post pictures in open gallery?
- My profile
- My pictures
- Click Open Gallery
- Upload picture Click
- Select photos from your computer or mobile phone
- can select more images by clicking more on "Select images"
- Make sure you respect the picture rules
- Upload photos
- The images are displayed to you immediately, but must be approved by the moderator to be shown to others.
Post a picture in a private gallery
How to create a private gallery?
- My profile
- My pictures
- New gallery
- Gives the gallery a name. Eg. "My Private Gallery" or "My Secret Garden"
How to put photos in private gallery?
- Click on the gallery name
- Upload picture
- Click Select photos from your computer or mobile phone You can select more images by clicking more on "Select images" Make sure you respect the picture rules
- Upload photos
- The pictures will be displayed to you immediately.
- You need to give access to others (if you want to show to it to thers members)
Provide access to private gallery
How do you give access to other profiles to view your photos in private galleries?
- My profil
- My pictures
- Add New Access: Enter the profile name you want to grant access to
- Choose which gallery you want to give access to
- Complete
Delete access to your private galleries
How to delete access to your private galleries?
- My profile
- My pictures
- Access
- Mark the red x button of the profile if you want to delete access
- Confirm OK
Delete, change and move image
How to change / delete / move photos?
- My profile
- My pictures
- Choose which gallery you want to end up with
- Select an image and click on one of the icons for what to do: Change texts, move the image to another gallery, or delete the image.
Private messaging (PM) allows you to communicate with other Cupido Club members. No one but the sender and receiver can read these messages.
You can upload up to four images per message and send them as attachments to private messages.
Are private messages moderated? No, neither the moderator nor the Cupido's administration can read the members' private messages. However, when members report abuse / abuse in a private message they have received, a copy of the message will follow the report to the moderator. Read more about moderation in Cupido Club!
How is the mailbox organized? All members have a mailbox attached to their profile. When you open "My Messages" from the menu in your profile, you reach "My Messages" with a list of conversations you have or have had with other members. The conversations are organized as the regular text message you usually have on your mobile phone.
What is a conversation? A conversation is a thread of messages to and from the same sender and recipient. The conversations are organized based on profiles you communicate with. A conversation is active until one deletes the entire conversation.
Who can send and reply to private messages?
VIP members: Can send messages to whomever they want.
Free Members: Can see that messages have been received in the mailbox, but must upgrade to VIP membership in order to open, read and send / reply messages.
How to send a private message to another member?
There are two ways to send private messages
1 - From the member's profile
- Open the profile of the member you want to send the message to
- Notification (envelope icon)
- Write new message here - Write message text
- Send
- If you have exchanged or written messages to the person in the past, the old conversation will be retrieved (unless the previous conversation was deleted by one profile in the conversation).
2 - From your own profile
- My profile
- My shortcuts
- My messages
- New samtale (in the tab row at the top of the message list)
- User Name - Enter letter by letter in the user name until the correct user name is displayed.
- Start conversation
- If you have exchanged or written messages to the person in the past, the old conversation will be retrieved (unless the previous conversation was deleted by one profile in the conversation).
How to send message with photos/images
You can send up to four images as attachments to each message you send.
- Browse - Select one image from your own computer and repeat this up to four times
- You can remove selected images from the message before sending it
- Send
How to delete messages?
Delete one or more conversations / messages:
- My profile
- My messages
- Check the box (s) to the right of the conversation (s) to be deleted
- Delete selected conversation (Arrow button in the upper right next to actions)
Delete a message in the conversation: Click the junk icon.
Hva skjer når meldinger eller samtaler slettes?
When a conversation is deleted, all messages are removed. The conversation no longer appears in the list of your messages.
If the conversation was deleted by your member you are in contact with, you will still have opportunities to read the messages in your inbox.
How do I see if the message is read by recipient
When the message you sent has this icon
, the recipient has not read your message.
Hvem kan opprette, lese og svare på kontaktannonser?
- Bare medlemmer som er VIP kan opprette og svare på kontaktannonser i Cupido Club.
- Gratismedlemmer kan lese andres kontaktannonser, men ikke opprette og svare på annonser.
Antall av annonse og visningstid
Hvor mange kontaktannonser kan et medlem ha liggende inne samtidig?
- Det er en øvre grense på fem annonser. Når grensen er nådd, må du slette gamle annonser for å kunne opprette nye.
Hvor lenge blir en kontaktannonse liggende?
- Kontaktannonser slettes automatisk én måned etter at de er publisert.
- Det er en øvre grense på fem annonser. Når grensen er nådd, må du slette gamle annonser for å kunne opprette nye.
Hva er Match?
Match-funskjon er automatisk generert søk basert på de kritiriene du søker og hva som finnes på søkeliste.
Match-funskjon er ikke noe fasit svar. Du må selv sørge for å finne mer om noen er passer for deg ved å bli bedre kjent med vedkommende.
Du kan skru av eller på Match-funskjon ved å gjøre følgende:
Min profil -> Mine Matcher -> Slå på / Av matcher.
Hva er Grupper og hvem kan delta i Grupper?
Grupper i Cupido Club er medlemsstyrte fora for VIP-medlemmer der den som oppretter gruppen blir gruppesjef og bestemmer premissene for aktiviteten i gruppen og om gruppen skal være åpen eller lukket.
I en lukket gruppe må det søkes om medlemskap, og det er gruppesjefen som suverent bestemmer om søknader om medlemskap skal innvilges. Gruppesjefen kan delegere admin-oppgaver til andre medlemmer i gruppen. Gruppene er tematisk organisert.
Bare liste av åpne grupper vises i din profilbeskrivelse til andre medlemmer. Du kan skru av og på visninger under instillinger av din profil.
Hva er Forum og hvem kan delta i Forum?
Forum i Cupido Club består av tematisk organiserte diskusjonstråder. Alle VIP-medlemmer kan starte diskusjonstråder ved å bestemme et emne og skrive det første innlegget i tråden.
VIP-medlemmer kan skrive et ubegrenset antall innlegg i diskusjonstrådene. Gratismdlemmer kan lese innleggene i trådene, men ikke skrive innlegg i dem.
Medlemmer som deltar i Cupido Forum forplikter seg til å gjøre seg kjent med Regler for Cupido Forum og Gode råd for debattanter.
Hva er Cupido Chat og hva kreves for å kunne bruke Chat?
Cupido Chat er et tilbud til VIP-medlemmer med ett fellesrom der medlemmer kan chatte samtidig.
Medlemmer kan chatte med eller uten kamera i åpne eller privat rom.
Med Chat kan du bli bedre kjent andre f.eks.ved å vise deg på kamera, hører stemme til andre og chat i vei.